hOMSC Unique Properties
Derived from Central Nervous System
Taking origin from the embryonic brain (neural crest), hOMSC retain properties of neural crest stem cells
capable of supporting neural tissues and influencing neurodegenerative disease processes.
High expandability
A tiny biopsy of 4x3x2 mm hOMSC from a healthy donor generates doses for millions of sick people, a prerequisite for the production of large batches for “off the shelf” products.
Potency & safety
A unique combination - hOMSC combine the high potency of primitive stem cells with a unique secretory repertoire combined with a high safety profile of adult stem cells.
Efficient Reproducibility
hOMSC expand extensively and retain their effectiveness during expansion. The reproducible process is done in a simple culture medium and with a simple production process producing the same results across donors, irrespective of age or gender.
Negligible immunogenic properties
Naïve hOMSC do not elicit rejection after xenogeneic transplantation. Thus, allogeneic naïve hOMSC can be used for the production of “off the shelf products” for human use.

platform technology suitability
Transformative Platform Technology
These unique properties and characteristics allow for the development of a platform technology for hOMSC oral mucosa stem cell to be utilized for multiple therapeutic indications.

Exclusive & broad patent protection
Cytora is the only company that holds an exclusive license
for the production & commercialization of hOMSC.
Our hOMSC technology platform including
the actual hOMSC, their production
and their use for any purpose
are protected by approved patents worldwide.